What are the benefits of having a building manager?

A building manager is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a building or property. Some benefits of having a building manager include:

  1. Maintenance and repairs: A building manager can ensure that the building is properly maintained and repairs are carried out in a timely manner. This can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems that can be costly to fix.
  2. Safety and security: A building manager can help ensure the safety and security of the building and its occupants. This can include implementing security measures such as surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and access control systems.
  3. Tenant satisfaction: A building manager can help ensure that tenants are satisfied with their living or working environment. This can include addressing concerns and complaints promptly, and ensuring that common areas are clean and well-maintained.
  4. Cost savings: A building manager can help identify cost-saving opportunities by implementing energy-efficient measures and negotiating with vendors for better pricing on maintenance and repair services.
  5. Compliance: A building manager can help ensure that the building is in compliance with all relevant regulations and codes, including building codes, fire safety regulations, and health and safety regulations.
  6. Convenience: Having a building manager working for you on or off-site can provide convenience for tenants by allowing them to quickly and easily report issues or concerns, and have them addressed in a timely manner.

Overall, having a building manager can help ensure that the building is well-maintained, safe and secure, and that tenants are satisfied with their living or working environment.

Covid-19 – Strata Budgets

Strata Corporations are self-funded entities and at this time there is no government relief funding available for them to assist in the management and cashflow of their funds. 

A Strata Corporations has a statutory duty to repair and maintain its common property in a good and structurally sound condition, which includes cleaning of common areas, maintain adequate insurance policy and provision of essential services (i.e. lifts, security, electricity, gas, and water).  

To ensure a Strata Corporations is able to meet its financial obligations, Owners are still required to pay their levied contributions, as approved at a General Meeting. 

In some instances, the Strata Corporations can review ways to reduce their expenditure during these times of uncertainty and to assist cashflow requirements. 

It is suggested that any non-urgent sinking/capital works should be placed on hold and consideration be given to temporarily cutting the sinking/capital works levy if owners require levy relief (further noting that this will not be possible unless a scheme has adequate savings, and if any works are able to be placed on hold). We recommend that the Strata Corporations undertakes a revision of their Capital Works Fund Plan, to defer all non-essential works for another 2-3-year period. This will provide for an opportunity to catch up, as well as maintain their legal requirements under the Act. 

Generally review your contracts, as sometimes a contract is on a rollover, and if the service is non-essential, it may be able to be suspended or services limited if possible. 

A breakdown of services considered essential and non-essential for a Strata Corporations is noted as follows (note: other services may be available to the building). 

Item Notes Action 
Strata Management base fee Contractual cost – no saving to be made, noting that we have an increased workload relating to COVID-19, additional costs incurred which are not recoverable and pressure on parts of our revenue  n/a
Strata – Additional Services These are costs that are effectively optional for an owners corporation/body corporate Committee consider undertaking the work themselves (e.g. running committee meetings themselves, preparing agendas/minutes) Lesser costs for meeting Put off non-urgent works 
Taxation Statutory Requirement – unchanged n/a 
Legal Costs Unless a legal matter is ongoing, these may be able to be delayed (e.g. tribunal action for a breach of by-law) Note that defect statutory timeframes still need to be complied with Consider whether matter important enough (or possible) to pursue legally and whether there is a requirement/obligation to do so 
Disbursements Must be incurred when owner has only provided a mailing address in relation to levies/statutory notices (e.g. agendas/minutes), as well as operating costs under the Agreement Owners/agents should provide email addresses to reduce disbursement costs and otherwise discuss with their manager how these costs might be reduced  
Software n/a contractual cost n/a 
Insurance Required As always, broker should be working to ensure owners get the best deal. Payment installment or premium funding may be options. 
Building Management Contractual cost Building Managers are now busier as a result of COVID-19 and are considered an essential service provider. Services delivery may be delivered by alternative means to ensure social distancing. Critical to scheme and resident management. 
Security/Concierge Generally contractual in nature This should be reviewed case by case. 
Cleaning Essential service – may increase due to extra cleaning required Cleaners are now busier as a result of COVID-19 
Gardening/Landscaping Possible to reduce cost but ensuring that gardening/landscaping doesn’t get out of hand Residents could consider undertaking the work themselves, but ensure you notify the insurer of the type of work being undertaken, in order to maintain liability coverage under Voluntary Workers Policy 
Fire Maintenance Essential service n/a 
Fire Monitoring Essential service n/a 
Fire Repairs Essential service n/a 
Lift Maintenance Essential service n/a 
Lift Telephone(s) Essential service n/a 
Air-Conditioning Essential service n/a 
Pumps/Irrigation/On-site detention Essential service  n/a  
Access Control System Essential service n/a 
CCTV Essential service n/a 
Electrical Essential service n/a 
Exhaust/Ventilation Essential service n/a 
Garage Doors Essential service n/a 
Garbage Compactor Essential service n/a 
Gym Equipment Gym should be closed Costs to maintain equipment/utilities in relation to gym offset 
Hot Water Equipment Essential service n/a 
Locks/Keys Essential service n/a 
Pest/Vermin Control Possible to reduce costs by decreasing the amount of sprays completed; not applicable to termite sprays due to warranty review 
Pool (Servicing/Chemicals) Pool should be closed Nb – Councils still require compliance and chemical/maintenance costs cannot be fully eliminated.  Costs to maintain equipment / utilities (heating/lighting) / chemicals in relation to pool offset  
Plumbing and Drainage Essential service n/a 
Window/Facade Cleaning Able to reduce cost Reduce the amount of window/facade cleaning visits NB – if cleaning is required under warranty, ensure that it occurs as normal 
Electricity Essential service n/a 
Water Essential service n/a 
Gas Essential service n/a 
Rubbish Removal Essential service n/a 
Carpet Cleaning Possible to reduce costs by decreasing number of cleans Review needs 
General Repairs & Maintenance that could pose OH&S (i.e. broken tiles) Essential service n/a 
Roof/Gutter Repairs & Maintenance Essential service n/a 
Telephone Expenses (i.e. lift/fire) Essential service n/a 

Strata Manager VS Building Manager

In the Lake Macquarie, Newcastle and Hunter area, I constantly hear differences of opinion between owners, committee members, service providers, strata managers and building managers as to what a strata managers role is when there is also a building manager contracted by the owners corporation.

Owners need to be better aware of what they are paying for and whether they are potentially paying for it twice (e.g. building manager should be issuing work orders as part of their fee, however, they ask the strata manager to issue work orders and they charge a fee to do so).

Furthermore, the understanding of what a building manager can and should be doing has changed greatly over the past decade – whereas once they were a cleaner with a tool belt (e.g. caretaker), they are very much now the professional onsite interface between residents, contractors and the strata manager.

We often educate potential and new clients as to who should be doing what. The Strata Schemes Management Act is somewhat vague on the role of a Building Manager and it’s defined as below:


Functions of building manager


(1) A building manager may, in accordance with the building manager agreement appointing the building manager, assist in exercising one or more of the functions of the owners corporation of managing and controlling the use of common property (otherwise than by the owners or occupiers of lots) and of maintaining and repairing common property.

Noting the above, the scope of what is in the agreement between the owners corporation and building manager is what is important here, however, it’s now better understood what the role of a professional building manager entails:

ItemStrata ManagerBuilding Manager
Repairs / MaintenanceAdministration with strata committee – e.g. approvals– Issuing work orders
– Contractor management (sourcing, insurance, SWMS, Site induction)
– Monthly/routine reporting
– Arrange quotes for committee review for routine and ad-hoc maintenance
DefectsAdvisory/escalationManagement via committee/OC-Processing / administration of in-unit and common property defects with builder
– Escalation of common property defects to strata manager/strata committee where not addressed by builder
MovingCollect bond if applicable– Establish process for moving of goods over common property
– Manage bookings/lift covers
– Inspect common property for any damage
Software / CommunicationsUse of software for announcements if requiredInvolvement in Whatsapp committee groupIssue communications from owners corporation/strata committeeDeal with owner/committee queries in relation to owners corporation– Management of Buildinglink or other system – resident database, announcements,
– Management internal communications – e.g. Whatsapp cleaning group, committee group
– Place signage on site as required
– Dealing with all resident queries – e.g. metering, by-laws, approvals
AFSSApprovals via committeeSubmission to council– Source relevant contractors
– Arrange inspections
– Coordinate statement requirements
Site Inspectionsn/aWeekly inspection all common property areas – ensure proper functioning equipment, by-law breaches
Wasten/aEnsure functioning of chute/waste room and collection of rubbish with cleaner
MeetingsManage all OC/SC meetings– Prepare quotes/reports as required
– Attend committee meetings
– Potential involvement in sub-committees
Emergencies/out of hoursProvide out of hours contact service– Provide 24/7 contact service for onsite issues
– Attend site if required
By-lawsBy-law escalation – e.g. final notice/notice to comply and any formal proceedings – committee action/approvalManage first action – e.g. direct communication with resident via call/sms/email/in person
Bookings – common facilitiesAssist in establishing rules/procedure for booking common facilities, including SC approvalEstablish and manage the booking of any common facilities – e.g. BBQ area
ContractsExecute and negotiate contracts as instructedObtain pricing for R/M OC contracts as required – Fire, lifts, pumps, cleaning, gardening, etc)
Budgeting / FinancesPrepare annual budgetsPay all invoicesReport to strata committee– Assist strata manager with budgeting.
– Invoice approval as required
KeysTake deposits as required– Issue keys
– Authorise keys
– Maintain key register
Community / Place makingAdvice (insurance, etc)Facilitate community events and other placemaking exercises
SSMA and other legal requirementsManage OC compliance with the SSMA and other OC legislationBe aware of the requirements of the building manager under SSMA and other relevant legislation – e.g. authorisations, timelines, approvals

NB – if BM fails to perform duties, SM steps in and manages at hourly rate if requested.

SC – Strata Committee

OC – owners corporation

Covid 19 – Strata and Building Management Perspective

We have now entered an unprecedented period for the 21st century with the onset of Covid 19 virus and the measures which need to be taken to control the spread of it.

Businesses across Australia and the world are all affected in one way or another – there’s very few that will be able to thrive in the circumstances due to the effect on our workplaces, clients, and staff.

The response in Australia is increasingly drastic and we need to adequately prepare for a difficult period over the next few months as services and facilities are shutdown or become increasingly stressed. We are blessed with one of the worlds leading health systems, however, we need to act with caution and be ready to give our support to the most vulnerable within our society.

Bright & Duggan and Cambridge Management Services have introduced a policy of having all frontline strata management staff work from home and ceasing face to face meetings – I applaud our Executive Management Team in reaching this decision as quickly as it did. The update is available on the front page of our website – https://www.bright-duggan.com.au/ . We have different policies for Building managers and other staff within the business – these are being continually updated.

Strata and building management business are very much affected by the fact that we have workforces that have a lot of external meetings, have a number of visitors to our offices, that we provide a variety of onsite services at buildings and have large numbers of office-bound administration staff. That said, we are able to offer a great number of our services remotely.

Some strata and facility businesses have the ability to enable their workforces to work from home (which wholly depends on the staff member having the technology to do so); it’s very difficult to offer building management services offsite when the contract requires onsite services.

We manage people’s homes (and in some cases workplaces, where we manage commercial schemes) and thus have very serious obligations to the occupants to show leadership during this time and do whatever we can to assist authorities in mitigating risks.

What should we all do as soon as possible:

  • Give staff the ability to work from home where possible and ensure that we are aware of the workplace that staff are working from – employers still have work health safety obligations where their staff work from home;
  • Support your staff with whatever circumstances are put on them (sickness, schools/childcare services ceasing for a period);
  • Cease face to face meetings and adopt alternate means of meetings provided for under legislation – this may include meeting via proxies, phone/video conferencing, online or paper voting papers, etc;
  • Take practical steps at your buildings to reduce the risk of infection – additional cleaning, signage, etc.

Some of the potential issues we need to overcome

  • Continuing compliance with strata legislation which can become difficult without being able to conduct certain meetings, arrange onsite inspections, etc;
  • Annual inspections – particularly annual fire safety statements;
  • Defect timelines and the potential inability to do defect inspections/commence proceedings;
  • Contractor attendance – what happens if electricians, plumbers, etc won’t attend site?;
  • Waste management (we presume that council and private collections will continue as normal – if they didn’t it would be bedlam) – we may have to deal with much-increased levels of waste in the event that buildings have all occupants at home for long periods;
  • Residents needing help and assistance throughout any period of enforced isolation;
  • Conflicting and complex legal obligations;
  • Owners/occupants coming under financial stress – non-payment of levies; and
  • Continuing to facilitate strata searches, collection of keys, etc.

One of the great opportunities we have here is to change the way we operate our businesses (with a move to electronic meetings) and provide help and support to people that need it most.

It’s not business as usual but we need to make sure this is the best business we can do.

Activated communities and placemaking

The rooftop at GWH Aero Apartments all decked out for a birthday party.

When we are involved from the early stages of a development (planning phases into registration/settlement and occupation), we have a role and responsibility in helping that community find its feet and activating the space that we manage. This is somewhat the case when we have the strata management of that community (i.e. a role largely offsite and administration based), versus when we are the building/facility manager – a role which is a daily/weekly in-person interface with the owners.

The view of Broadmeadow Racecourse from the rooftop at GWH Centrale Apartments Broadmeadow.

Modern design principles for apartments and community schemes (at least in Australia) give drive to the creation of a community and giving a building identity. This may include features (e.g. vertical garden, civic art), exclusive common areas (rooftop entertainment areas, gardens), naming the building or facilities (gyms, pools, treatment rooms, BBQ areas, concierge, valet, etc.) and nearby or inhouse retail offerings. Activated communities are safer, more secure and more enjoyable to reside in.

‘nook’ letterboxes – the colour coded theme continues throughout the building and helps make it a unique boutique development for the area.

Unless all of the above is well-considered, facilities may end up poorly utilised and not add value to the community. On the flip-side, beautiful common areas can be an extension of lot living space, allowing room for entertainment, recreation and community activities. These spaces end up being the ‘jewel’ in the crown of a specific development.

Playground and BBQ area with a view at Thirdis beautiful ‘Westend’ development, proudly managed by Cambridge Management Services

We have a wealth of examples of these ‘activated communities’ within our portfolio and in time, we will have great data as to how this drives improved sales values, rental yields and resident happiness.

Views from the Aero rooftop – always changing courtesy of the working harbour

Regardless of facilities, we think that all communities have the ability to take advantage of the density and the ‘just add water’ community that this provides.

Resort facilities at Abian Brisbane by Sunland – we are the Building Manager and concierge at this stunning development
Multi-purpose common room at Pier on Waterfront by Mirvac

We are about to settle on some new developments in the Newcastle region and as part of this, are planning the events we will be undertaking with the residents. In addition to this, we will be suggesting a program of activities to the strata committee that they should consider throughout the year.

These are some of the things we are thinking about doing – in Newcastle we are blessed with generous shared spaces at buildings that lend themselves to these types of activity):

  • Street parties with surrounding buildings – food vans, music, etc.
  • BBQs (doesn’t get easier or simpler)
  • Gardening/plants in smaller spaces and common areas with a horticulturalist
  • Cooking demonstrations (just need to get Harris Farm to sponsor this one!)
  • Fitness/yoga/pilates classes
  • Smart home technology class (HVAC, lighting, etc)
  • Caring for animals in smaller spaces
  • Wine tasting with a local winemaker
  • P0p-up cinema
  • Markets
  • Recycling and waste class
The tennis court and playground (pool in the background) at Eagle Reach Highland Park in the Hunter Valley – amazing resort facilities.

Here are some great articles I have read on the topic:



Defibs in strata and community schemes – the facts

Defibrillators (or ‘defibs’ for short) are a hot topic right now – deservedly so as having one close at hand can mean the difference between life and death.

We recently had the pleasure of a visit from Guy Leech who now spends his working life as a defib ambassador (Founder & CEO) for Heart 180, one of the worlds leading suppliers of defibs.

Defibs have started to become common in larger strata and community schemes (particularly in pool/gym areas), however, we believe they should be common at any size scheme because of the concentration of residents and the absolute difference they can make in the event that someone has a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).

As we get further into the needs and wants of those living in strata and community schemes, we see health and safety as one of the paramount (but passive) issues for residents. Defibs have a very important role to play in the area of health and safety and we’ll be spending a lot of time in 2020 and beyond talking to building owners and developers about the benefits of having these onsite.

We are all about smarter buildings and this is the key to making ‘heart smart’ buildings.

The following is a fact sheet that we prepared with the guys at Heart 180.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the leading cause of death in Australia. Having an accessible Defibrillator in your building can make the difference.

A Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a condition that occurs when the heart unexpectedly stops pumping. Each year, SCA strikes approximately 30,000 Australians.

Unfortunately, only around 6% survive, often because help cannot reach them in time. The average ambulance response time is between 9-14 minutes. SCA is not gender or age-specific!

Without defibrillation, for every minute that passes, the chance of survival is reduced by approx 10%. Application of pads on patient within 180 seconds increase the survival rate to over 70%. With good CPR & a defibrillator up to approx 90% survival rate.

We are in an increasingly cautious world and one of the protections that can be provided to residents is an accessible defibrillator located in key common areas, that they are able to access in the event that someone is having a cardio event, giving them a chance at survival.

What are theyDefibrillation is a technique used in emergency medicine to terminate ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia. It uses an electrical shock to reset the electrical state of the heart so that it may beat to a rhythm controlled by its own natural pacemaker cells. A defibrillator is a commonly used medical device which can deliver this shock. A defibrillator delivers a set amount of electrical shock to the heart after it analyses the heart rhythm. It determines whether a shock is required to the heart via adhesive electrode pads attached to the person’s chest. The shock delivered by a defibrillator interrupts the chaotic rhythm of the heart and gives the heart the chance to return to its normal rhythm.
The DevicesThe common defibrillator is highly advanced and will guide the user through the process. A device cannot be used on people without a cardiac issue. The Heartsine samaritan PAD 500P AED (Automated External Defibrillator) with integrated CPR Advisor meets the needs of two key links in the chain of survival. Not only can the SAM 500P deliver a lifesaving shock, it provides real-time visual and verbal feedback to the rescuer on the force and rate of CPR compressions during an SCA resuscitation – effectively assisting the rescuer to perform CPR. Defibrillator’s assess the status of a person’s heart and will not shock a normal heartbeat.
Training for using defibrillatorsAnyone can use a defibrillator – it is just a matter of following the voice prompts provided by the unit. However, training is recommended to give the user greater confidence. Heart180 provide an online CPR & Defib course or can arrange face to face training.
Where they should be installed at a buildingDefibrillators should be able to be accessed by a rescuer within 180 seconds of a person having a SCA anywhere in the building. This means locating devices as close as possible for quick access by all units – if not every floor, in ground floor/lobbies, recreation areas and possibly lifts.
MaintenanceMinimal maintenance required – will need to be serviced if discharged, however the devices have an 8-year warranted life span with a battery replacement at Year 4.
LiabilitySpecifically mandated that training is not required. No liability attached to misuse of devices. Held less liable than if administering first aid to someone, given verbal consent is required. Civil Liability Act 2002 No 22: https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/act/2002/22/part8 ANZCOR Guideline 7 – Automated External Defibrillation in Basic Life Support: https://secureservercdn.net/

If you have a SCA in Australia outside of hospital – the survival rate is around 6%.

If you have a SCA in Seattle (US) outside of hospital where defibrillator use is common – the survival rate is around 64%.

Parkrun Australia (Case Study)

Parkrun organise free, weekly, 5km timed runs around the world. They are open to everyone, free, and are safe and easy to take part in. Heart180 have supplied 225 defibrillators over an 18-month period to Parkrun Australia.

The first save at a Parkrun in Australia occurred 3 months after Heart180 began supplying defibrillators.

Please find more information at the following link on Brett Orpwood’s survival story: https://heart180.com.au/a-shocking-lifesaver-as-brett-enjoys-his-second-run-of-luck/

If you want to no more about defibs – get in touch with Paul Dineen.

Phone: 0447 772 300

Cleaning strata buildings and community schemes – you pay for what you get?

Proper cleaning of strata buildings is all-important to presentation and in turn, value (you don’t show a dirty house when you have it on the market, and buildings/communities invariably always have property on the market for sale/rent) – poorly maintained common areas that you can see, can well mean poorly maintained areas you can’t see (roofs, plant/equipment, etc).

Whilst having an all-important role to play in the value of a building, cleaning is also one of the lowliest paid professions and it can be hard to tie those performing the duties (who are often transient, casual workers) to the outcomes of the building and the organisation they work for.

Furthermore, many cleaning companies practice wage theft (which there have been recently publicised crackdowns on). I have heard of some cleaners being paid as little as $15 an hour (close to half the minimum wage). There is a common practice of sub-contracting in the cleaning industry where in some cases the cleaning contract is sub-contracted multiple times over and whilst a cleaner might cost $50 per hour they are seeing less than $20 of this. This practice is abhorrent and must cease.

Strata and Community schemes which don’t make relevant inquiries to ensure the cleaning companies they use are paying award wages are complicit in the above practices.

We use a handful of cleaning companies in Newcastle and the wider Hunter region to clean the schemes we manage and we are happy to recommend them as we know as they:

  • pay at least minimum wage;
  • supervise, encourage and properly train their staff;
  • ensure their staff wear uniforms (so residents have some assurance that someone new onsite works for the cleaning company they employ);
  • use commercial-grade cleaning products;
  • respond quickly to issues raised by building managers, ourselves and the committee; and
  • offer a range of additional cleaning services, such as pressure washing and window cleaning.

I spoke with David Kent of Skyline Contracting to get an understanding of what goes into an hourly cleaning cost and he gave me the following information:

We charge $55 an hour and a breakup is below:
• $26.03/hour for a Casual Cleaning Employee (Casual is very common in this industry);
• Super is $2.47 per hour;
• Cleaning Long Service Leave (Special Government program to ensure cleaners get LSL because the trend is cleaners change companies regularly and never have the opportunity to earn LSL) is mandatory and needs to be put away at 1.7% of all ordinary earnings ($0.44 per hour);
• Workers Compensation Insurance & Public Liability Costs (difficult to calculate per hour but we pay $15-16K per year.);
• As part of this price we cover all chemical costs required to perform all our normal duties. Depending on the chemicals required for the job sometimes we could consume one $10 bottle of chemicals across a month. Or we could use a $60 bottle of chemical across 2 shifts;
• In our pricing, we supply all the necessary equipment to complete the job. We also spend money on a regular basis to retag equipment, clean filters, replace certain parts and service our petrol-powered equipment to ensure our equipment is reliable, safe to use and won’t let us down while providing a service to our clients;
• This applies to our fleet of vehicles, we need to ensure safety by maintaining our vehicles and making sure we can arrive at jobs promptly. The above price covers all our travel expenses;
• Under our employment is our Cleaning Manager. They are responsible for ensuring our team of cleaners are always trying to do the best job they can and always trying to improve. They are responsible for Never-Ending Education & Training, Maintaining Team Morale, Speaking with our Customers, Empowering our Staff as well as looking for ways to grow our team.
• We pay for some awesome software to efficiently track our clients needs, our workloads and make it easier for the team to provide awesome service – $310.00/month;
• Premises to run our team from for office staff, storage of chemicals/consumables and to safely store our equipment/vehicles/trailers. A conveniently located workshop where we can all meet at the start of the day, liaise with each other, pack any extra equipment/chemicals we need for the day and somewhere to maintain our equipment.
• Marketing….
• We want to have enough left in our budget that if we need to stay a little longer to leave the place looking fabulous we don’t need to rush off and we can ensure our clients will be happy after every visit.
• Then, of course, leave some money to remain profitable

Until we have robots cleaning the buildings we manage, we will continue to seek out the best in the cleaning business – ethical companies that treat their staff fairly and apply the same level of client care that we do.

I separately spoke with Kaleb Paten at Pacific Maintenance Group about their approach to the cleaning business:

“As innovation and technology become more common and essential in all aspects of building management it’s imperative that buildings select a company that is focussed on providing the highest standards of cleaning.

Buildings often have daily cleaning requirements (or require attendance multiple times per week) and as such, the cleaners are the eyes and ears on the ground to relay important information back to the strata/building manager and the committee so that any issues may be attended to promptly (this isn’t just left to residents).

It is the ongoing theme that ‘cleaning will be automated by bots’ and yes, some areas of cleaning will be completely outsourced to robotic technologies. We saw this technology at the 2019 ISSA cleaning expo in Melbourne and this seems the best solution for open space cleaning (e.g. shopping centres).

We believe that the cleaning of strata buildings and community schemes will largely continue to be undertaken by humans who can clean to the highest level and effectively communicate outcomes to their business and the community.

In a business where there are so many moving components, changes to scope are frequent and it pays to have a well-spoken, well-trained professional onsite who will be able to perceive and help generate the best outcomes for the community.

For this Industry to further grow and make progress, there needs to be a transparent and humane approach to improvement.

Companies undercutting other competitors and making a profit ONLY by bringing in illegal labour will be the first exposed, it’s approaching 2020 and modern slavery is unacceptable, these companies will be the first to go as the consumer market seeks transparency and exposes malpractice.

As consumers, it’s key that we understand who will be the persons undertaking the work we are asking the cleaning company to perform and the conditions under which they work.

Progress comes from collaboration, let’s get rid of the companies who exploit people, let’s have open communication with clients and suppliers and let’s be open with pricing and educate on why costs are what they are.”

It was great to get collaboration from both David and Kaleb on this blog, which is an effort to help educate our clients and the wider market to understand the potential differences between what they are paying for and what they are receiving.

The convergence of strata and facilities management is coming

Any strata building is complex. In a single day, there might be a range of issues requiring the input of professional managers and specialist contractors.

The average size of strata schemes has increased dramatically in recent years; whilst 40 lot buildings used to be considered large strata schemes (and contain c. 80-100 residents), it’s now common to see 300+ lot strata buildings, with potentially over 600-800 residents. This isn’t only a Sydney/Melbourne metro phenomenon – it’s an urbanisation issue impacting Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Newcastle, Canberra, Adelaide, etc.

This has changed the landscape for strata and facility management and there are constant calls for higher skill levels than were once required. These communities are complex, have massive budgets and the skills, software and contractors required to manage them are comparable to that required for very large commercial buildings. This is also a time of machine learning and soon we will (hopefully) say goodbye to repetitive/mundane administrative tasks which pain the strata and facility managers of today.

Additionally, strata committees used to be able to do a lot of legwork at a building and it was common to see them made up with people who had time, rather than specific skills. Successful strata committees of today are made up of experienced professionals who have owned in multiple buildings, are experienced and knowledgeable about their obligations and functions in sitting on a committee and know the benefit of solid independent management and advice.

It’s now more common for smaller buildings to have the input of both a strata manager and building manager, as these buildings understand the benefit of an onsite professional and their input in the context of the complex facility which the owners are expected to manage.

The strata manager of the future is a relationship manager and master administrator supported by a well-resourced, technologically abled and specialised head office  – they understand that they need to help buildings make good decisions and they arm them with the appropriate information to do so and they ensure transparency, accountability, compliance and process. They are great at communication by myriad means, cost planning and running meetings.

As noted, many of the traditional strata functions are becoming automated, however the role of the strata manager is expanding and diverging into that of the facility manager.

Strata companies with FM capabilities are ahead of the curve, as they understand and have close involvement in:

  • asset maintenance/management. Compiling asset registers, advising on and arranging routine preventative maintenance.
  • Community building
  • Sustainability and energy/water management
  • Emergency planning and relief/management
  • Prompt communication with occupants by different means
  • Focus on building security
  • Can assist with economies of scale
  • Defect management
  • Development advisory – how will people live in the asset?
  • Ensuring contractors have undertaken work correctly, assessing the payment of invoices
  • Remote access and management

Ultimately, strata and facility management (in both strata and community schemes) will converge, with most full-service strata companies having an inhouse facilities management business to truly support the strata living experience and expectations of today’s occupiers.

The strata management company of tomorrow (that wants to manage the communities of tomorrow) is well versed in facilities management, with the inhouse skills to manage the building fabric and the ever changing needs of its occupants.